Small business cares ...

Shop local, shop small business.

Last week Miss Billie announced at 8 am she needed quick drying clay for school. Great, thanks for the notice. I was going to teach her a lesson that Mummy needed more than 5 minutes notice for these things but "mummy guilt" kicked in and I said "okay we'll whizz past Humphreys on the way to school and get some" as I had remembered seeing some there, lucky!

Much to my horror when she returned to the car I looked at the receipt and realized the payment was declined? I said, "oh honey, this didn't go through, Oh my god, I gave you my expired card by mistake, did they realise?"

She said "yeh the man said it was okay", he said, "I looked like I really needed the clay and just come by another time and pay". (sigh).

Of course, I immediately sent her back in with the right card (which she thought was soooo embarrassing, I assured her it would be way more embarrassing NOT to) but gosh I thought that was lovely. He didn't have to do that.

Small business cares. X

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